【東京•代官山でパン巡りと街歩き】デニッシュ専門店のサクサクデニッシュパン / miffy cafe tokyoのフィナンシェ / 秋の代官山蚤の市でショッピング

【東京•代官山でパン巡りと街歩き】デニッシュ専門店のサクサクデニッシュパン / miffy cafe tokyoのフィナンシェ / 秋の代官山蚤の市でショッピング


I refreshed myself by shopping at the Daikanyama Flea Market held in Daikanyama, Tokyo, and going to the newly opened Forest Gate and Miffy Cafe in front of the station. It’s one station away from Shibuya, but it’s not crowded, so I like it. I guess it’s because autumn is a great time to take a leisurely stroll through a city that is slowly changing. The Christmas illuminations at the Daikanyama address are also posted at the end, so please take a look if you’d like.
